Writer-in-Residence Program
Our in-school creative writing program places professional Writers-in-Residence in elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Detroit to provide intensive weekly writing workshops. Every student has the opportunity to be published in a professionally printed literary journal at each school.
Learn how to bring the Writer-In-Residence Program to your school or participate in the program as a writer.

BookUp Detroit
BookUp is a reading program for middle school students designed by the National Book Foundation to encourage literacy and a life-long love of reading. Through group discussion, writing activities, and visits with contemporary Young Adult authors, books come to life. BookUp also builds students’ personal libraries through award-winning titles from the National Book Foundation and field trips to local bookstores and Bookstock.
Youth Writers Conference
InsideOut invites more than 150 young writers from our residency program in Metro Detroit schools to a Youth Writers Conference, spanning nearly every genre of writing. For students, the event is a daylong dive into literary life with some of the region’s most acclaimed writers.