TEENS: [Register for free Citywide Poets writing workshops!](https://insideoutdetroit.org/cwp)
TEENS: [Register for free Citywide Poets writing workshops!](https://insideoutdetroit.org/cwp)
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Ife Martin

“Represent” by Ife Martin, Inaugural Poem for Chalkbeat

‘This is something I can do now’: What Kamala Harris’ ascension means for girls of color

InsideOut Performance Troupe Performs “They Gather Behind Us” at WSU MLK, Jr. Tribute 2021

Voices of Youth

Detroit’s Citywide Poets teens share feelings on poetry, BLM protests, and COVID-19

Michael R. Jackson

InsideOut alum Michael R. Jackson wins Pulitzer for off-Broadway musical

Inside Out video

Arts & Culture: InsideOut Literary Arts

Eye on Design

Eye On Detroit – Citywide Poets Detroit

Poetry Slam

Detroit youth poetry slam offers competition in a safe


Op-Ed How poetry can help kids get to college