TEENS: [Register for free Citywide Poets writing workshops!](https://insideoutdetroit.org/cwp)
TEENS: [Register for free Citywide Poets writing workshops!](https://insideoutdetroit.org/cwp)
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Motor City Shifting Gears

How Motor City Is Shifting Gears

Yahoo News

Poetry Gives Voice to Students in Struggling City

Light a Fire

InsideOut Celebrates 20 Years with New Book

Chief arts correspondent Jeffrey Brown and U.S. Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey talk to students learning poetry through InsideOut, a Detroit-based literary arts project that brings writers to public schools. Photo by Reid Riddell

Reflections on the power of poetry in Detroit schools

Natasha Tretheway talks to a student at Detroit’s InsideOut literary arts project. Photo by Reid Riddell.

Poet’s Notebook: InsideOut in Detroit

Urban Idyll

Urban Idyll