April is National Poetry Month! Check out our events.

April is National Poetry Month! Check out our events.

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Inside Out Poetry Program Poet Leaders

Happy Birthday, InsideOut!

I’m super excited to announce that 2025 is our 30th Anniversary year – that’s right, InsideOut Literary Arts has been serving Detroit youth with high quality creative writing programming for three decades! From our start in a handful of high schools to serving over three…
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InsideOut selected as one of 11 youth-serving groups for Michigan Central Station endowment fund

InsideOut is honored to have been selected by local leaders and youth advisors to receive the Michigan Central Station Children’s Endowment Initiative award.

Principal DeMilla Prince

Educator DeMilla Prince has experienced InsideOut from multiple vantages in the Oak Park Public Schools: as a classroom teacher, then Assistant Principal, and now as  Principal of Key Elementary.

Principal Stanley with a student

Principal Susan Stanley

Susan Stanley takes pride in the rich cultural heritage that thrives within her school district. As principal of Salina Elementary, home to a vibrant Yemeni population, Stanley has seen firsthand the impact of InsideOut’s Writer-in-Residence program on both writing skills and self-expression.

InsideOut student Saba's poetry billboard against a sunny sky

Poetry Billboards

For National Poetry Month, InsideOut partnered with Detroit-based creative agency Lafayette American to erect billboards throughout the city. Catch them all this April!

FOX 2: InsideOut nonprofit in Detroit gets $2M donation

Executive Director Suma Karaman Rosen and School Programs Manager Shawntai Brown speak with Fox 2 about the impact of MacKenzie Scott’s transformational gift.

InsideOut Receives $2 Million Donation from MacKenzie Scott

There are few moments in a nonprofit organization’s life that are truly transformative. InsideOut Literary Arts is about to experience one.

Alandra Chuney-Jackson

Alandra Chuney-Jackson is an InsideOut alumni, the Co-Executive Director of the Youth Development Resource Center (YDRC) in Detroit, and the founder of the Sisters’ Couch – an organization dedicated to de-stigmatizing mental health for Black women.

Kweku Abimbola

Kweku Abimbola brings his experience as a poet and University of Michigan Civitas Fellow to the InsideOut Writer-in-Residence program. “More than the poetry, editing, and self-awareness skills the Writer-in-Residence Program provides students— I find that the creative independence we afford them to be deeply impactful.”