Crying in Public: Notes on Leading with Authenticity
Attend any InsideOut event and there’s a good chance you’ll find me in the audience, crying.
Attend any InsideOut event and there’s a good chance you’ll find me in the audience, crying.
I’m super excited to announce that 2025 is our 30th Anniversary year – that’s right, InsideOut Literary Arts has been serving Detroit youth with high quality creative writing programming for three decades! From our start in a handful of high schools to serving over three…
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When I was awarded a Miller Fellowship from the McGregor Foundation, I knew I wanted to divide my sabbatical up over two years in order to reduce the burden on staff and to see what I could learn from year to year on how to rest best.
Executive Director Suma Karaman Rosen writes about showing up for teens in an Op-Ed for the Detroit Free Press.
There are few moments in a nonprofit organization’s life that are truly transformative. InsideOut Literary Arts is about to experience one.
What comes up when you hear the word “sabbatical”? Do you instantly think academia? Is it project-based, or time for rest and renewal?
We’re proud to announce that Executive Director Suma Karaman Rosen will be taking a well-deserved sabbatical supported by the Eugene A. Miller Fellowship from the McGregor Fund. As Suma said: “I love the students we serve who remind me what it means to be brave, and…
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Summer may be coming to a close, but the InsideOut team is just getting warmed up with an exciting development–our new Lead Teaching Artist Fellowship program! Building upon the successful 2020 pilot of one full-time Teaching Artist position – and through the generous support from…
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It’s an understatement to say that InsideOut has changed over the past five years – from staffing to programming to fundraising, we have grown. While I often reflect on the “state of the organization,” my leadership has also changed over the last five years. In…
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