March 15: Main Stage Poetry Showcase with Brittany Rogers - [Buy Tickets!](
March 15: Main Stage Poetry Showcase with Brittany Rogers - [Buy Tickets!](
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Christiana Castillo

Christiana Castillo Writer-in-Residence The poets I work with weekly have been writing poems about community care, self-care, self-love, joy, resilience, and refuge. During the Citywide Poets session, I believe we are using poems to heal and process our current world.  Citywide Poets, InsideOut’s award-winning after…
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Jassmine Parks

Jassmine Parks

BookUp is not simply a reading group. BookUp is the emotional process of bridging students to books, to each other, to the world around them and to themselves. Writer-in-Residence Jassmine Parks led middle school students through many stories this year. A graphic memoir about being…
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Kyle Hunt headshot

Kyle Hunt

Kyle Hunt Writer-in-Residence “The [InsideOut] program not only opened them up creatively, giving them the freedom and permission to be ‘weird,’ but I also think our time together relaxed them a bit. I saw improvement in the way they treated each other.” Kyle Hunt is…
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Benjamin Turner

Benjamin Turner Writer-in-Residence “I was equally concerned with guiding them professionally in writing, as I was concerned with giving them the space to be their own professional guides. Then, by calling attention to that budding skill set, I feel like we were able to pinpoint and excavate whatever…
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Student Poets Detroit

Megan Stockton

Megan Stockton Writer-in-Residence “Sometimes students are more hesitant to speak up in class as they are working between languages, and it is amazing to see their voice come out in a poem.” Megan’s time as a Writer-in-Residence has allowed her to teach in some non-traditional…
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Student Poets Detroit

Shawntai Brown

Shawntai Brown Writer-in-Residence “Students cheered when it was time for poetry. They were eager to share, and they were sad when the residency ended.” When Shawntai was a student in school, she experienced InsideOut as a young writer. Now she is an InsideOut Writer-in-Residence herself….
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Student Poets Detroit

Audra Kubat

Audra Kubat Writer-in-Residence “I saw growth in many of the students’ confidence in speaking and reading in front of each other.” Audra, an accomplished singer-songwriter, uses her love of and experience with music in her creative writing pedagogy as a Writer-in-Residence with InsideOut. Oftentimes, she…
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